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What we Do, What we Value and our Mission
Selection should focus on hiring people who already have developed the key competencies, possess the cognitive abilities, personality trait alignment, you need and want in a successful performer in the target job. It is much more efficient to hire what is needed than to hire a person, train them and see if they can develop the needed competencies.
For entry level positions, training is usually required to transfer product and process information needed to do their jobs, but for professional individual contributors and managers, directors or Vice Presidents, organizations will want to hire people who already posses these attributes and can leverage their competencies and capabilities as soon as possible to get the most out of these new additions to the team. This is what our practice is focused on as these are the highest stakes selection cases.
TAI works collaboratively with clients to provide best practice selection processes and tools based on scientific research and then organizes them into an efficient and effective process that eliminate most selection errors.
We start with the job analysis questionnaire (JAQ) to identify and gain alignment on the desired competencies candidates are expected to demonstrate day one, measuring the "can do" job requirements. This makes sure they have the Core Competencies, Working with Others, Analytical and Problem Solving capabilities, the new job environment needs. We provide Big 5 based personality questionnaire, the Management Alignment Questionnaire (MAQ) for managerial and executive positions and the Professional Alignment Questionnaire (PAQ) for professionals who are individual contributors (e.g. accountants, engineers, process engineers, marketers) to make sure that the candidates personality traits align and fit with the culture and values of the work environment. For professional and managerial level jobs "fit" tends to be the most important attribute for a candidate and is the leading cause of selection failure.
Our Best Practice Selection Process is built on years of research and hard earned success at improving the accuracy and reliability of the selection process. Looking at the Reliabilities of each questionnaire item and then making sure that each stated domain is contributing to validity (Predictability of performance) we can increase the accuracy of the selection process. We aim to eliminate most causes of selection malpractice, improving an organization's ability to hire the talent they need, for today's and tomorrow's challenges. At the same time, the process leads candidates to feel that they want to work for this organization. They become predisposed to taking the offer when it is extended and feel like they are already a part of the team.
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