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Management Alignment Questionnaire (MAQ)  

The MAQ is the most modern, sophisticated, Big 5 based personality on-line assessment available.  It measures 22 facets of personality distributed across the Big 5 personality domains that predict alignment of the individual with the organizations expectations and requirements for their management and executive positions.   It contains an accurate and important response fidelity measurement to assess how accurately the individual responded to the questionnaire.  It includes a proprietary state-of-the-art procedure that reduces candidate response distortion.  This greatly reduces the propensity of up to 1/3 of candidates distorting their responses to personality questionnaires enabling the output to be useful to the organization.


The MAQ provides useful insights into Will Do and Fit considerations especially when looking at people coming into the organization from outside.  Will they be able to do other roles in the future and will they Fit the organization?  It provides insight into how well the candidate will align with the organization and whether they are they likely to stay.  These are important considerations and where organizations have gotten into trouble in the past when placing external candidates into the team.  The failure rate for replacement executives from the outside is approximately 40%.  


The MAQ is available on-line, has 234 items and takes about 20-25 minutes for an individual to complete.   The questionnaire is not timed.  None of the TAI personality questionnaires are timed.  The MAQ does include an assessment of how accurately the candidate completed the questionnaire.  Because personality questionnaires are completed by the candidate (self-report) they are prone to the same level of exaggeration and falsifying that occur in candidate employment applications and resumes (CV's).  The level of overstated attributes by candidates has held steady at about 1/3 of applicant provided information.  


The MAQ report contains 29 ratings, including the 22 basic personality facet scales, 3 response fidelity scales, 2 task and people orientation scales, ana a scale providing an assessment of their primary management/leadership style and a judgment decision making potential scale. Only certified TAI Test Administrators are certified to interpret MAQ results. (click here for MAQ sample report)   

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