Our Values:
Science Driven, Professionalism, Competence and Data Privacy
We are professionals in I/O Psychology. All TAI staff has either an MS or PhD in Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology and abides by the Standards of the American Psychology Association (APA).
TAI follows the APA rules and guidance for assessment practitioners.
We are active members of SIOP and IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology).
We regularly present our work products and assessments for Professional Peer Review.
We are committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) principals and practice.
All our products, services and assessments go through rigorous vetting to assure that our assessments, processes and programs deliver fair, accurate and objective candidate assessment.
We train & certify clients to use candidate data to arrive at an objective and fair hiring decision.
We provide professional services to executive search firms and major employers who want to make sure that the people they recruit and interview, will be fully qualitied to meet job requirements.
We continually conduct research to verify reliabilities and validities of our selection tools and processes and submit our research for professional review. While we know that we cannot achieve perfect selection, we can and have increased the likelihood of making better hiring decisions
We are also committed to maintaining client and subject privacy.