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TAI Leadership Team

TAI's Leadership Team

Tom Payne.  An experienced senior HR executive from two large NYSE firms that manufactured and sold consumer products, globally.  Tom also has a M.S. in I/O Psychology with honors, from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh while working for Kimberly-Clark.  His thesis was written on selecting consumer sales representatives in North America.  He has over 20 years of international HR leadership.  He has recently been a Senior Editor of the FUP book Executive Coaching in China published 2021 and is the lead author of the book Selecting Executive Talent.

Jinyan Fan.  Professor of I/O Psychology at Auburn University.  PhD from Ohio State University.  Dr. Fan has done extensive work on Response Fidelity, and created an early warning for people competing Big Five Personality questionnaires on self deceptive enhancement and impression management, both of which can and often do render completed Personality assessments to be not useful in selection support roles. Dr. Fan has done extensive research in the area of selection and particularly in Big 5 personality questionnaires.  He has published numerous journal articles and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Vocational Behaviors, Journal of Career Assessment, The Counseling Psychologist, and International Journal of Stress Management. He is currently an Associate Editor at Journal of Vocational Behavior. 

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